Tournaments Prize Support

Tournament tickets including show entry and free car parking  are still available here   (although several have  now closed down) 

Our Three Main Event Sponsors are providing – 

KR Multicases will either provide a card or accessory case for each tournament


Around 150 blisters and several rule sets to be distributed across the tournaments
Will be providing a £20 voucher for each player to be redeemed on-line on any of their digital products for each player

The traditional WARren the Wyvern Trophies in the form of crystal blocks from LaserCrystal will be provided in each Tournament and will be similar to last years – see here 

Ticket Sales are now closed  please note we are now past the point for refunds –

ADLG 15mm(prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player )

ADLG 25mm–  (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player)

Armati(prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player)

Bataille Empire (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player )

Blood Bowl (prize support from DJM Enterprises Ltd in the form of 3D figures and some sealed product from 7th City Collectibles)

Bolt Action(prize support in the form of around £300 of prizes including some exclusives provided by Warlord Games and also from  Deep-cut Studio in the form of a mat and if that wasn’t enough some books from Osprey Publications and there is more Warpaint Figures are providing a selection of scatter and mini starter sets and not forgetting a mug)

Bushido (prize support GCT Studios in the form of a prize kit and from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player)

Crokinole run by Crokinole UK 

DBA (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player and the trophy has been sponsored by Wargames Research Group Ltd  and also some confused generals curtesy of DJM Enterprises Ltd)

DBMM 15mm– (The Phil Barker Trophy provided by Wargames Research Group ltd and prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player )

DBMM 25mm– (The Phil Barker Trophy provided by Wargames Research Group ltd and prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player)

Flames of War— Late War (prize support provided by Battlefront Miniatures) 

FoG(prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player )

Infinity (prize support in the form of around £260 of goodies provided by Corvus Belli  and some 3D objective markers (computers)  from 3DTankfactory also some neat bits and bobs from Kore)

Kings of War   (prize support in the form of around £320 of goodies from Mantic Games and also from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player plus Mili Art have kindly supplied a Dwarf stone thrower and crew and even more  as Warpaint Figures are providing a selection of  grass and flower tufts)

MeG Maximus (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player  and a doce tower curtesy of 3DTankfactory  )

MeSBG Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game (prize support from Mili Art in the form of a Dwarf stone thrower and crew and from Cuirassier Books a Pro painted GW model, Shagrat, Captain of Cirith Ungol, with mithril shirt.)

Mordheim (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player)

ReG(prize support from Helion & Company and also Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player )

Swordpoint (prize support from Gripping Beast and from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player)

To the Strongest Open Tournament  Saturday Only  (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player)

War Gods (prize support from Crocodile Games worth over £500)

Warhammer 40,000 ITC Tournament  (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of a mat and from Warpaint Figures a selection of  scatter sets and grass and flower tufts )

Warhammer Age of Sigmar (prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of a mat and from  Warpaint Figures  a selection of  their grass and flower tufts and and some sealed product from 7th City Collectibles)

Warfare Boardgame Championship 

Warmaster Revolution (prize support from ROK Miniatures and prize support from Deep-cut Studio in the form of an exclusive terrain piece for each player and there’s more –Warpaint Figures are providing some 10mm 3D Printed Forest Dragons and a 1,000 point Warmaster 3D Printed Army Pack of choice)